Top 10 Common Misconceptions

I’ve been thinking there are a ton of misconceptions that are just believed to be facts… So, here is a list of the top 10 most common misconceptions. The misconceptions are in bold and the truth follows.

  1. Ostriches bury their heads in the sand when they are scared. Most people believe it but it is not true. Ostriches eat rocks to ease their digestive system so they bend down and briefly stick their heads in the sand to collect the pebbles.
  2. Tomatoes are a vegetable. They are fruits.
  3. Peanuts are nuts. They are actually in the same family as beans and peas: Leguminosae.
  4. Coffee is made from beans. It isn’t, they are made from seeds.
  5. Chameleons change color to match their surroundings. They actually change color as a response to mood, temperature, communication and light instead of the object they are touching
  6. You can see the Great Wall of China from space. You cannot; it is not even close. I checked on Google Earth and you can’t see it from space.
  7. The earth revolves around the sun. Technically, the Earth, sun and all of the other the planets are orbiting around the center of mass of the solar system, not specifically the sun.
  8. One human year is equal to seven dog years. It mostly is, but it depends on the size and breed of the dog.
  9. The forbidden fruit in the Book of Genesis is an apple. The Bible never mentions the forbidden fruit was an apple.
  10. Fortune cookies are Chinese. Fortune cookies were originally the invention of Japanese-Americans before being widely adopted as Chinese culture. Most Chinese people have never heard of it.


There are a bunch of cool misconceptions. Thank you for reading!

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