Earth Force: Children’s Books to CHOP

Bettering our communities and improving the quality of our experiences aren’t easy tasks. They take a lot of work, dedication, and willing citizens in order to make progress in society. Our eighth grade community has been given an assignment called, “Earth Force,” which is about working with a cause that you are passionate about. Eighth graders Ha-Eun Choi, Anne Gullace, and Cindy Kim are working on their Earth Force project now. They are donating books to the Children’s Hospital of Pennsylvania and to GoodWill. I had the fortunate opportunity to be able to talk to Ha-Eun about their project and got some details about the process of collecting the books.

Why did you decide on this project?

We all like to read books so we wanted to donate some so that others can read them.

How have you been going about collecting books?

We made an assembly announcement, we have a donation box in the lobby and one in the library, and we have a lot of posters around the school.

How many books do you have already and how many are you aiming towards?

We have a lot. We are aiming towards around one hundred books total. We have a bunch of bags already so we think we’ll be able to reach that goal.

And these are any genre of book?

Yes, mainly children’s books, but yes.

Ha-Eun’s confidence in her project and her group was very apparent. Her care for the cause and her complete knowledge about the subject demonstrates that the group was prepared and dedicated. We can all help them achieve their goal of reaching one hundred books by dropping one in their donation boxes in the library or the middle school lobby. For more information on their project and how to help, you can visit their website at:—ha-eun-anna-cindy/home

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