Order the Numbers 1

Hello everyone! Seth here, with a new kind of puzzle- Order the Numbers! You must place numbers into a specific order so they follow specific rules, that differ by puzzle. Answers will be revealed in a subsequent issue. There will be 3 puzzles per issue- one Easy, one Medium, and one Hard. Easy is a nice warm-up, Medium is fairly challenging, and if you complete the Hard puzzle, you have exceptional logic skills. The answers will be revealed in the next issue.

The Puzzles:


Place the numbers 1-5 in a line so…

Even numbers start and end the line.
No number is to the right of the number one less than it. (i.e. 2 is not to the right of 1.)
Three is second in line.
One is to the left of five.

Medium: Place the numbers 1-6 in the diagram below so…

The triangle with the 4 in it adds up to 11.
2 is in the same triangle as 4, and 3 is in the same triangle as 6.
2 and 3 are on the top and bottom (though not necessarily in that order)
5 is across from 6.
1 is directly counterclockwise of 2.
6 is directly above 4.


Place the numbers 1-9 in a 3×3 square so…

No number is in the same column or row as a number that is 1 more or less than it.
The number in the center is even.
The corners add up to 15. Three of them are odd.
The bottom row adds up to 20.
The top left corner cannot be a 1.


Answers will be revealed next week!

About the Author

Seth Casel
Seth is the author of Rage Inducing Puzzles, Hexudoku, and How To Square Anything. He currently takes math at the Upper School and, as his profile picture suggests, is very good at taking screenshots of virtual creatures. He enjoys reading, math, playing video games, playing chess, and coming up with more rage inducing puzzles!
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