6th Grade Derivative Fair

The 6th grade participated in a project for Prima lingua and all the projects turned out great. Each student was given a Latin word to study and they had to find words that derived off of it in other languages. After they found their derivatives, they had to make a project in the Makerspace that had to do with their word. It had to show the derivatives branching off the original Latin word in some way. It also had to have all of the derivatives coded by language in some way. Some people did colors other did shapes or sizes to show the language of the word.

The sixth graders did a great job coming up with a clever presentations and showing them to relatives and listening to all the rules of the project. They did most of the building of their projects in the Makerspace and had two entire days along with class time to work.  Some sixth graders were stressed out at the start; others were relaxing too much at the beginning and started working like crazy at the last minutes.

Some projects that people did were: for the word “to increase,” an auction with people bidding, For the word “middle” someone did Oreos with derivatives in the middle of the Oreos. For the word “hand,” someone did a basketball game with the derivatives on the foam hands. For “altitude,” someone did planes with derivatives on them hanging at different heights. Everyone did really well and worked their hardest on the derivative project and that’s what made it good.

by Connor Simpkins ’25 and Poyraz Ozer ’25

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