Hytale: Minecraft’s Killer?


If you are not familiar with Hytale, which is highly probable despite the announcement trailer having well over thirty million views, I’ll give you a quick rundown of what the game is set to be.

Hytale was named “Hytale” after its creators, the staff of the extremely popular minecraft server “Hypixel,” whose server holds about twenty thousand players on average throughout the day.

According to the website, Hytale, “…combines the scope of a sandbox with the depth of a roleplaying game, immersing players in a procedurally generated world where teetering towers and deep dungeons promise rich reward.” There’s a few more things you need to know before we move on, and one of these things is that Hytale supposedly offers amazing scripting tools and tools for creators to make their own minigames within the game without going through all that trouble. There will be many servers on Hytale as well, including something Minecraft doesn’t have, which are “Official Servers,” run by Hytale themselves.

Hytale is constantly releasing more information about their game, so if you’re reading this, just read it with the mindset that there’s almost CERTAINLY more information out there on the game that wasn’t talked about here.

Now, due to lack of public knowledge of Hytale in the FCS community, I wasn’t able to find anyone to answer the question:
“Will Hytale overtake Minecraft in popularity and take most of its players, or will Minecraft stand its ground and keep almost all of its player base?”

So I just decided to answer it myself. I feel, and hope, that Hytale will overtake Minecraft.  Hytale is also aware that it is going to get a lot of players. Even before the reveal trailer hit the millions, they were incorporating extensive modding/scripting tools and (I am assuming from what is listed on the website) built in server making, which needs a decent amount of players to be fun for largest minigames. What I’m trying to get at here I guess is the fact that if Hytale’s staff is assuming a large and active player base, and Minecraft is were most of those players are going to be coming from, just have a hunch that Hytale WILL be Minecraft’s “Killer.”


By: Leo Kaufman ’24

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