Spy Bots on Roblox?!

Attention Robloxers! You read the title right, there are spy bots on Roblox, and they are everywhere. No joke, this is serious.


These Spy Bots are not just Spy accounts though, they are stolen accounts. These Spy Bots accounts used to be real people’s accounts, but the bots stole them. The YouTubers say Bloxiphant is behind this, and so we all suspect that as well, but none of us know if that is 100% correct.

First of all, these bots spy on YouTubers, and float around following them repeating the same sentence over and over. There were several tweets and videos about this, including ones from Flamingo, a famous Roblox YouTuber. The bots sentence says something about asking an account called Bloxiphant to opt-out the bots, but when you go to that account, they say they will not allow you to ask them to opt-out the bots.

Sure, there are weird fan groups for YouTubers who have names like “I spy on the Flamingo”, but they are just people, not bots. This is new and scary.

 And after Flamingo’s second video on this subject, the bots have been acting strangely, leaving games before the YouTuber does, creating millions of spam games on their accounts, and several different worrying things.

Another thing we know is that the bots used to follow an account named yQxR before Flamingo made his first video on this topic. After Flamingo’s video was published, the bots unfollowed yQxR. 

You might be thinking that there are ways to stop the bots, like going into full games, but they are bots, they can squeeze into full games as much as they wish. Flamingo made a third video where he met up with Bloxiphant, the suspected creator of the bots. In that video, Flamingo asked Bloxiphant why these bots were made in the first place. Bloxiphant said it was for information, but he wasn’t clear on what this information was, and what they would use it for. Other than that, Bloxiphant seems to be letting some YouTubers free from the bots stalking them, but that doesn’t mean them all. Flamingo also suspects that Bloxiphant has made much more than just spam games, but spam items, which if you put in a game, it could get you banned.

This is scary for many YouTubers, and if this keeps on going, no one will be safe. And my worst fear? I don’t want my account stolen into the hands of these Spy Bots! Thankfully, there is news of people reporting these bots and Bloxiphant, so we may be safe, but we never know, this could just be the beginning.

Emi Travalia ‘26

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