Top 25 Snack Foods


Hello everybody! This is Charlie Szwartz and Tucker Wolfson doing our first ever Top 25! What a historic moment! When kids usually get home from school, they head right to their kitchen, open the snack cabinet, and chow down on their favorite snack. But the only problem here… What should they eat? We met with a world class snack food committee (a.k.a. ourselves) and came up with the Top 25 Snack Foods Ever Created. Remember: This is just our opinion. It’s not all set in black and white. Everyone has their own opinion.


#25: Cheese Sticks

Number 25 on our list, cheese sticks! Cheese sticks happen to be in many lunch boxes around the world, and is a kid’s favorite for cheese snacks. They’re cheesy, stringy, and delicious!

#24: Trail Mix

One of the healthiest snacks around, trail mix is a mixture of nuts, fruit, and sometimes chocolate! It’s one of the most important things to take on a jog, walk, or hike, and can come in many different varieties and mixtures.

#23: Nutrigrain Bars

Nutrigrain Bars are also very nutritious and delicious! Their decadent fruit fillings are a fan-favorite in bars.

#22: Pop-Tarts

More of a breakfast thing, Pop-Tarts still qualify as a delicious snack. They come in many flavors, but the reason it’s not higher is because it takes so long to wait for them to finish toasting, but we can’t be that hard on them…

#21: Vanilla Wafers

A vanilla cookie. That’s all I shall say. Fine. Vanilla wafers are delicious in about 5 different ways. Plus, if your cookie is famous enough to have a “cakesters” version of it, you know it’s going to be good.

#20: Fruit Roll-Ups

Behind the wrapper and packaging, the Fruit Roll-Up lurks, waiting for you to open it all to eat. The only way I can describe this is “just plain tasty.”

#19: Munchkins

America runs on Dunkin! Munchkins just are donuts, shrunk to bite size, while keeping their flavor and deliciousness. They’re perfect when you need a quick snack, or a not-so-quick snack.

#18: Mini Cracker Sandwiches

The best thing about mini cracker sandwiches are the fact that they can come in so many flavors! They can be filled with everything, from peanut butter to cheese. Not so great together, but perfect separated.

#17: Animal Crackers

A zebra! A lion! A penguin! A… Wait, what is that? Animal crackers are just as they sound: crackers in the shape of animals. Sometimes you can figure it out what animal it is; sometimes you have no idea what it is. They’re good either way.

#16: Combos

Probably the most creative snack food there is. I mean, who ever thinks about stuffing pizza into a pretzel? Even though we’ve never had it before, we’ve seen it on shelves in markets around the world and we can already tell that it’s delicious.

#15: Triscuits

The ultimate wheat cracker. No more explanation. It may not be the best by itself, but if you get creative with cool combinations and mixes, you’ll be a Triscuit expert.

#14: Granola Bars

A chewy bar filled with chocolate, marshmallow, peanut butter… pretty much everything! The classic granola bar is on our list, because so many different companies make so many different kinds! They have granola bars in bassically every flavor you can think of! The combinations are limitless, which is why granola bars are number 14 on this list.

#13: Graham Crackers

The graham crackers are the glue of the snack food world. It’s the thing that gives s’mores their good taste. It holds the whole world from falling apart. If you’re stressed, take one bite of a graham cracker, and you will be well again.

#12: Oreos

You only need five letters to spell the best cookie ever created. Oreos are delicious in every way, from the cookie to the cream. Not only is there the original that everyone loves, there are also Golden Oreos, Double Stuf, MEGA STUF, Triple Double, Heads or Tails, and so many more! We will literally flip out if we find a cookie better than the Oreo.

#11: Rice Krispy Treats

Rice Krispies, like the cereal, but with marshmallows, in a bar! Rice Krispy Treats are the delicious part of a full day. Its marshmallow texture combined with the crunchiness make it one of the best snack foods in existence.

Now it’s time for the top 10:

#10: Fruit Gummies

From Gushers to Swedish Fish, fruit gummies are the ultimate gummies. Even though they are probably 99% artificial, the deliciousness makes up for it. So fruity and delicious–there’s nothing else left to describe it as but “delicious.”

#9: Cheez-Its

One of the most popular cheese crackers ever created, Cheez-Its have been delicious ever since they passed the test for creation of existence. They are so cheesy, crunchy, and come in so many flavors, you just can’t resist-it, the Cheez-It!

#8: Nachos

Ole! Nachos for everyone! A staple in movie theaters, baseball games, and Mexican restaurants, nachos are crunchy, salty, and so delicious. With their ever-so-popular nacho cheese sauce, you can’t get enough of them!

#7: Cheetos

Cheetos. Oh, Cheetos… You know it and love it, the cheesy finger that doesn’t look anything like a finger, found everywhere, and shown on televisions worldwide… The one and only Cheeto crash-landed into #7 on our countdown.

#6: Goldfish

The snack that smiles back! Goldfish are so cheesy and crunchy. The flavor blasted flavors, like Xtra Cheddar and Xplosive Pizza, are even better. Plus, they are really delicious!

#5: Fritos

If you don’t know what a Frito is, it’s a salty corn chip that’s delicious in every way. No more explanation. Just no more. Done. Period. Pretend I left forever. Never coming back. (cricket noises) Okay, I’m coming back to tell you one thing: GET SOME FRITOS!

#4: Popcorn

You settle down on the giant couch. The movie is set and running. The soda is on the cup holder. The previews are playing. And you dig into your bag… of popcorn! Literally popped corn, it is so fluffy and delicious, it is almost impossible to watch a movie without digging into some fresh buttered popcorn. It’s also a great snack in general, too!

#3: Pretzels

Soft, hard, waffle-shaped, sticks… These are just a few of the many variants pretzels have to offer. Salty, crunchy, sweet, or spicy in some cases, and just plain delicious, pretzels should be on the Top 10 foods of all time.

#2: Potato Chips

It’s a potato! It’s a chip! It’s a potato chip! Potato chips are just what you would imagine them as, potatoes in the form of chips! Potato chips, or potatoes in the form of chips, are so flavorful, salty, crunchy, and tasty! Their many varieties and companies just blow me away. How they’re able to be so potato-ish, so chip-ish, so… Just give me a bag of chips already!

And here it is… The moment you’ve been waiting for… Dig into your snack bag. Insert the drum roll noise! It is now time that we reveal the NUMBER ONE SNACK FOOD OF ALL TIME:

#1: Doritos

You’ve seen these before. I just know it. Doritos have the funniest commercials of all time. They’re cheesy, spicy, cool-ranchy, crunchy, flavorful, and delicious. Plus, they are very fan-engaging, from their commercials to their fan contests. These are the reasons that they are the “king of snack foods” and the #1 snack food ever created in the history of this world.

Thank you so much for reading this crunchy, spicy article. Now go out there and have some Doritos… Or whatever you favorite snack food is. This is Charlie Szwartz and Tucker Wolfson. See you soon and 40 pounds later!
(No snack foods were harmed during the making of this product.)

About the Author

Charlie Szwartz
Charlie Szwartz is a writer, editor, and Twitter moderator of The Phoenix Inquirer, Inc. He specializes in coverage of news, sports, food, music, and Top __ lists. His goal is to produce at least 10 articles by the end of the school year. Charlie has been in the newspaper since 2015. He likes music, video games, food, science, and technology.
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