Winter Highlights

Hello people! I am your reporter, Poyraz Ozer, interviewing and going over the stuff you want to read.

Today I will be interviewing people about how their winter break went. Let’s see where people went and what people did over their FCS winter break.


Mr. Chagan (Teacher):Mr. Chagan spent half of his the break at  at home. He also spent some time with his son and his wife. He  went to Savannah, Georgia to visit  his sister and his mother.


Nurse Penny (Nurse): Nurse Penny  went to Sanibel Island in Florida. She also rode my bike and went down to the beach.   She also went with my Merline (dog) husband and son. She also went to Florida by car. Nurse Penny and her husband celebrated there Dog’s birthday (Merline) at Florida.


Benjamin Hebert ‘25 : He  went to Florida and it was very fun to relax, but then he  started to miss all his friends and teachers.


Augie Esposito ‘25:  Augie liked the winter break. He also  played a lot of fortnite.

Augie  also got stuck in an elevator for an hour.


Ms.Davis (Teacher)  -Spent a lot of time with her  family and took her son to sesame place.


Will Coleman ‘23 – Will went snowboarding in Utah.


Connor simpkins ‘25 :  Connor relaxed and played video games, he also had a swim meet.


Zach Dune ’25: Zach  stayed home and went skiing at the end of my winter break.


Christian Whitfield ’23: Christian visited family in north NJ.


Luca Sella ‘24:  Luca went surfing at Costa Rica. Did a ton of fishing in Costa Rica.


Poyraz Ozer ‘25: Poyraz went to Turkey and visited  his family in Turkey. He really enjoyed his winter break  in Turkey. He got to see his vivid and crazy relatives that he has and got to get back together, with his  relatives.

By Poyraz Ozer ’25

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