Minecraft Review

By: Liam Brown ‘28

Many people know about the popular video game Minecraft. Over 141 million people actively play it. There are different versions of the game like bedrock and java. Bedrock has movable tile entities and java has Redstone that does the same thing every time. I will be reviewing the java version of Minecraft played on pc. The early game is really fun. I think the end of the early game is until you have defeated the ender dragons got some enchanted armor diamond. At the end of the mid-game, you will have neither fully enchanted, villagers, basic farms. At the end of the end game, you will have great farms for many items. This means not one zombie farm for XP, you want a gold and Garden farm. I think at some point you should create a new world when you have everything. Multiplayer in my opinion is much more fun because you can play with your friends make teams and maybe create a battle, not in real life (no one gets hurt) Minecraft war. Then maybe involve griefing and stealing, but like no stealing beacons and griefing farms. I think that Minecraft is a great game to play and really fun.

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