Rain; The Pros, Cons, and Confusions

Rain; The Pros, Cons, and Confusions.

By Phoebe Bonin ’26

Hello, my friends! This article is brought to you by Phoebe, your local rainy day enthusiast. As we enter this Wednesday, the clouds are gloomy overhead, and a light drizzle of rain sprinkles us splendidly. That is how I would describe it, but another may describe it as “terrible. It feels like the sky is dying”. Rain is one of the most polarizing topics of modern meteorology, so let’s dive into it.

I am going to start with the confusions of rain, these are things that can change people’s opinions on it, and perhaps mystify with its many factors. Lighting and thunder are some of the main confusions. Some may only enjoy a serious rainstorm, filled with the chaos of shining lightning and booming thunder, while others may get overwhelmed, and even scared. This ties into the next confusion, severity. I find that I am particularly fond of severe storms. I love the wind pounding on windows, the rain almost deafening in my ears. I understand those who own pets disagree with me. My dog Moochie (2014-2021) would often hide under the bed during these types of storms, and I understand if you would do the same. My third and final confusion is temperature. I’ve often found the common consensus is to enjoy storms in the weather of 40-50℉. Anything colder borders on snow and hail, and anything warmer is humid and miserable. All of these confusions can change minds on the topic and should be considered as I continue to write.

The pros! I want to set the scene for you. Imagine the Friends Central campus, the ground covered in a thick layer of fog, the thunder rumbling overhead, and the rain pouring heavily down in an almost rhythmic fashion. There has been a crime, and it’s your job to solve it. All you have is your trusty umbrella, a trenchcoat, and a magnifying glass. Classical music plays as you walk across the Oval, your boots stamping over puddles, avoiding any mud on the bricks as you waltz. A flash of lightning strikes, and your mystery begins “Rainy Day Riddle”.

Every time it rains, that is how I picture it. It feels like everyone is the main character in their own mystery when it is raining, and the feeling is unmatched by any other weather.

The cons! It can get your clothes wet I guess?

There is a clear answer to the dilemma: Rain is the superior kind of weather.

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