Hamilton Review: Part 2

Hamilton Review: Part 2

By: Hannah Seidel-Nini ‘26

Welcome to Movie Reviews for the FCS middle school newspaper! Today we are reviewing Hamilton, which can be viewed on Disney+. We will be reviewing Plot, Actors, and Music!

Starting with Plot, Hamilton is a biographical drama about, well, Alexander Hamilton. They start with a quick explanation of his early life, (1st song; Alexander Hamilton) in which they explain how he is an immigrant and an orphan, who moved to America when he was 19. They then go on to explain how he fought in the revolutionary war, was employed by George Washington, (Right Hand Man) had a son, (Dear Theodosia) worked for the Government, (Non-Stop), had an affair, (Say No to This,) his son died (Stay Alive,) and then died himself, in a duel. The plot stays very close to all historical accuracy, apart from a few moments including Aaron Burr’s relationship with Alexander, as in real life it was a co-worker and enemy relationship, but in the musical it is depicted as a friendship, which helps advance the plot, and we believe works for this Play. The other moment that stands out that is not proven historically, is Angelica Schylur’s relationship with Alexander Hamilton. In the Musical it is provided that she is in love with him, but introduces him to Eliza Schylur, (Satisfied,) but later regrets it, and they continue to “flirt” back and forth until Hamilton has an Affair with Maria Reynolds. This is not present in History, although we believe it adds further depth to the plot.

Next we will be reviewing the actors. A lot of the actors are not historically “correct” and the original cast is formed out of people of all races, in a style called “colorbling casting.” Some of the most notable actors include Lin Manuel Miranda; Alexander Hamilton, Renée Elise Goldsberry; Angelica Schylur, and Leslie Odom Jr; Aaron Burr.

The music in this play is simply incredible! We should lead by saying that this Musical took 7 years for Lin Manuel Miranda to write. There are a total of 46 songs in the musical! Some of the favorites among us include; Non-Stop, Story of Tonight, My Shot, and Guns and Ships.

In conclusion, Hamilton is an incredible musical, and is recommended to you 6.5/7. The only reason we took off .5 was because it might not be everyone’s jam! So watch if you would like! Thanks for reading!

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