Articles by Audrey Blinman

Thespians on Diction

Once, during the intermission of a play, my music director stood up from the pit, banged on the stage, and yelled, “Diction!” I thought it was really weird that he would do that, especially when there were still people in the audience. I understand now, though. Diction is one of the most important parts of a performance. Don’t know what it means? says it is: DICTION [dik-shuh-n] the accent, inflection, intonation, and speech-sound quality manifested by an individual speaker, usually judged in terms of prevailing standards of acceptability; enunciation. Got it? Good. I’ll say it in English, too, because I don’t know about you, but I don’t always speak dictionary. Basically, diction means you pronounce your consonants sharply, like you’re stabbing them, and your vowels roundly, like you are trying way too hard to push them out of your mouth. It’s really important, because if you don’t pronounce your…

Live Action “Little Mermaid” Dream Cast

Here is our dream cast for the newly announced live action version of the Little Mermaid! While this may not be the best piece of news of all time, it is a big one. So, of course, we are going to cast this movie with our personal picks. Ariel Emma Stone Most recently in the hit, “La La Land”, Emma Stone is an amazing singer, amazing actress, and amazing person in general. All of her performances are so realistic and packed with such feeling that you can’t help following her character’s emotions to the T. A multi-talented star, she is an obvious choice for Ariel. Emily  Blunt Emily Blunt is an amazing actress who is very expressive, very emotional, and very dedicated to her performances. She played the Baker’s wife in the cinematic edition of, “Into the Woods”, where she displayed her amazing talent for singing. She has had many…

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Labels: Defining or Destructive?

INTRODUCTION When I say “label,” what do you think of? Most likely, you thought of a tag that tells you what something is. Humans have these sort of stickers, too, but unlike a name and price on some produce, these carry with them a lot of controversy. They come in the form of religions, races, genders, sexualities, any ways people define their identity. The main questions: Are labels good? Why? Why not? Where do we draw the line between good and bad? We as a community talk a lot about labels, but since the word carries a lot of negative connotations, we generally don’t say, “These are labels.” Now…why? ON LABELING YOURSELF Labeling yourself is very hard. I’ve struggled with labels in the past, and I still am today. In fact, I think I will struggle with them for my entire life, and so will most other people. Recently, I’ve…

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