Articles by Pierce Hayton

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Middle School, Then and Now

by Jream Barnett-Matthews ’19, Natasha Guy ’16, Pierce Hayton ’20, Elizabeth Raphaely ’16, and Gordon Wilcox ’20 Friends’ Central proudly maintains many traditions in the Middle School on which even upper schoolers can still look back fondly. One of these is the always-fun Phoenix Game Day, the final hoorah to a successful school year. Always balancing competitive spirit with good-natured fun, this day is still significant in the lives of current middle schoolers at Friends’ Central, providing some of the most treasured memories of middle school. Collecting pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald house is not only fun because it contributes to the points of a team, but it also emphasizes the service component that is essential to the Friends’ Central experience. Another tradition essential to the Friends’ Central Middle School experience is the week-long 7th grade trip to the overnight camp Echo Hill, located on the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland. Echo…

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Summer Blockbusters: 5 Action Thrillers Reviewed and Previewed

This summer, there are a variety of major action thrillers coming to theaters and we have decided to preview and review this summer’s box-office biggies. Some of the movies we decided to review are The Amazing Spider Man 2, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Godzilla, X-Men: Days of Future Past, and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. We believed The Amazing Spider Man 2 was an action-filled movie. There were also some jaw-dropping special effects in this thriller. However, we thought it had a little too much action and the plot was predictable. We give this movie a 7.5/10 rating. Captain America: The Winter Soldier had a very predictable plot, but we also thought there were a lot of interesting fight scenes and special effects. We give Captain America: The Winter Soldier a 6.5/10 rating.

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The Scoop on 1:1

In an attempt to learn more about the upcoming 1:1 iPad program, The Phoenix Inquirer interviewed Middle School Principal Alexa Quinn. She provided information about the 1:1 iPad program, including why the school decided to provide Chromebooks to the 7th grade last year as a pilot program. Mrs. Quinn shared that the administration wanted to see what the 7th graders would have to show for their exposure to technology by 8th grade. They did not give the Chromebooks to 5th graders last year because they felt 5th graders were not ready to care for them. They also did want to give it to last year’s 8th graders because they are in Upper School this year and the administration would not have an easy way of knowing whether the 1:1 Chromebook program worked. We also asked Mrs. Quinn whether she could provide insight into the iPad program. She responded that Dr. Schuster, the…

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