Articles by tschenck

The Issue With ID Cards

Last year Friends’ Central installed ID card scanners on almost every door on the campus. This was just the first step in their new student ID card system. Each student has their own personalized ID card which includes their name and face. These cards have become a source of stress for a lot of students and staff. For the students, this stress comes from the constant loss of their ID cards and worries that they may pay up to the required monetary fine to get a new card.. For the staff the stress derives from the students always losing their cards, and are often forced to perform various tasks to make up for what would usually be activated by a simple swipe of a card. They are forced to take hours away from their lives searching up students names and hearing annoying bells. We decided to interview them ourselves to…

NFL Draft for the League’s 100th Season

The 2019 NFL Draft took place on Thursday, April 25th in front of a huge Nashville crowd 600,000 people strong. The draft began with a lucky fan winning 100 years of season tickets to their favorite teams games, this was done to celebrate the 100th year of the NFL’s existence. Gregory R. Hampton was the lucky winner of two season tickets to New York Giants for many years to come. After he accepted his award Commissioner Roger Goodell came to the podium and announced that the Arizona Cardinals were now on the clock, the draft had officially begun. For a long time the Cardinals were expected to take Kyler Murray the 5’10 scrambler quarterback out of Oklahoma, who was also taken with the 9th pick in the Major League Baseball draft and was offered a huge contract by the team that drafted him, the Oakland Athletics, but he chose to…

Mini Courses- The Huge Success

Every year FCS students go to their mini-course to jump into a deep dive of a subject that interests them. In this article we have information about how many students were in each course. Insightful Interviews with FCS students.   Mini-Course # of Students Analytics in Athletics 19, Explore Puerto Rico 15, Hummus to Hamentashen 17, Immigration 14, Mosaics & Myths 14, Photography 16, Shark Tank 19, Woman Warriors 16, Wearable Tech 13, Dan O. ’24 What was your mini course? Hummus to Hamentashen. When you first got your course how did you feel? I felt excited to learn about Jewish food and culture. Were your expectations different from what it was really like? No, it was pretty similar to what I thought it would be like and it was really fun. Overall did you enjoy your mini course? I loved it. Where did you go? We went to a…

Mr. Emerson, Secret Scientist.

As you may or may not know, Mr. Emerson has been subbing for Mrs. Morsa for the past month. He has his own Wikipedia page and has had some really cool jobs. Read on to learn about his past and how he got to where he is now.   How did you end up teaching?   I had always thought about teaching math but I never got a chance to do it. Originally I did tutoring to be helpful but I realized the school needed help with long term breaks for teachers. My choice for subbing at Friends’ Central was partially influenced by the fact that my kids went there.   What other jobs have you had?   I was both a physician and a scientist for forty years. I was also the president of Haverford College for five years. I would run a laboratory with other scientists doing tests…

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