manna pies


Before the holidays at Friends Central, many people and advisories bought MANNA pies, whether for advisory parties or for their Thanksgiving Dinner. MANNA enrolls 4,200 volunteers to feed and nourish people (and their family) suffering from AIDS/HIVs, cancer, and diabetes. They provide a meals on Thanksgiving day for people in need. This year they got $240,000. At Friends’ Central, Magistra, her daughter Annie and Dr. Scapik are running the program. Magistra sent an email to the teachers. It goes as follows: “The MANNA pie sale touches close to home for my family as MANNA started in my church kitchen in the 1980s as a result of a sermon my dad preached not long before he died. FCS leads schools in the area in our Thanksgiving pie sales. We are already up to 106 pies sold with a goal of 169.” In an interview with Dr. Scapik she said: “We have…

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