sea of thieves

“Sea of Thieves” Immersion

Spoiler Warning! The game “Sea of Thieves” has been out since March 20, 2018 and there have been many updates since then. Sea of Thieves is an action/adventure type game about pirates.You start the game by choosing what character you want. After that, you choose the ship you want to sail. There is the “Sloop” which is the smallest and the fastest, and you can have a maximum of two players on it. There is also the “Brigantine” which is in between, and is the second biggest and the second fastest. There is a maximum of three players on it. The best and final ship is the “Galleon.” It is the biggest and the slowest, and has a maximum capacity of four players, and requires great teamwork to control. Each ship has a minimum of one player.                          …

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