Fortnite Battle Royale Review

Fortnite Battle Royale Review

By: Liam  ’28

Many people know about Fortnite, the popular battle royale game with 80.4. This was first an RPG called Save The World. After that game had no success. They realized Pubg was doing good so in 2 weeks they made Fortnite battle royale. Since then they have put much more work into Fortnite. The game has skill base match-making so if you start out you will not face people that have played for 1000 hours. You can build in the game there are walls, floors, cones, ramps. It cost ten building materials to build a building piece. You can carry 999 of each building material, metal, wood, and brick. There are also AI in the game when you first start playing. You can get loot from the chest, supply drops, and floor drops. There is a battle pass and an item shop where you can buy cosmetics rewards. There also is a creative mode where you can play around. Right now you can get spiderman gloves to swing around. There is a storyline and the IO is fighting the seven. There are vaults in the game, key cards, mythic, and NPC. There are seasons in the game. If you beat everyone you win. Fortnite battle royale is a really good game that is fun to play.

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