Video Game Review: Destiny

By: Liam Brown ’28

I just started playing Destiny a month and a half ago and only have a 1528 power level. Some stuff I write might be wrong. Also, I did the tutorial like 2 months ago then started really playing the game 3 weeks ago.

When you first start you will have to pick a charter. Then do the tutorial. Once you are done with that you will probably be confused. So each of your armor and weapons have a power level 8 of that power level gives your main power level to go up once. The rarity of things goes gray, blue, purple/legendary, and gold/exotic. You can have one exotic armor on and one exotic weapon on. On your left to the top is Your first weapon slot is your kinetic weapon then your second weapon slot is under that and it is your energy weapon. Then below that is your heavy weapon. It uses heavy ammo which you can get by going to get purple blocks on the ground. There are also special weapon weapons that can be in kinetic or energy slots. You can get special ammo by getting the green blocks on the ground. Your armor gives you your stats. You can put mods on your ghost to help you. Your ghost is under the heavy weapon. That is a little bit of the things in your inventory explained. You also glimmer the blue stuff from playing the game. The legendary shard you get from completing activities and dismantling legendary armor. This is most of the basic stuff in destiny 2.

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