
Dakota’s Weekly Movie Review

By: Dakota Diego-Brait ’26 This Week’s Movie: Identity Thief Starring: Melissa McCarthy (Diana) and Jason Bateman (Sandy Patterson) Age rating: 18+ Setting: Denver (where Sandy lives) and Florida (where Diana lives) Genre: Comedy   Disclaimer: IF YOU READ THIS IT CONTAINS SPOILERS SO DON’T COME UP TO ME AND GET MAD AT ME FOR SPOILING SOME STUFF. I WARNED YOU. About the movie: Basically, Diana steals people’s identities and buys herself whatever she wants. She then somehow finds out Sandy’s number (she probably just typed up a random number) and tries to sell him “Identity theft protection” over the phone. Therefore making him reveal all of his credit card information to her (very dumb move on Sandy’s part). Diana then goes and does illegal stuff, buys whatever she wants, and just creates disruptions everywhere she steps foot. Sandy then is arrested for doing all of these things even though he…

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